Woman to Woman

(Secrets Shared)


A Blog about Overcoming Life’s Obstacles in order to Create a New Life Story, a Life filled with Love, Joy, Fulfillment, Curiosity and Meaning as you learn to Love and Appreciate Your Authentic Self. 

I am committed to helping you find and remove the barriers that you have erected, trying to feel some degree of safety.

The barriers unfortunately became in time a prison that prevents happiness and the love you deserve.

Once a week for however long it takes, I am creating a blog to address and heal whatever is in your life keeping love out, most especially love of self. Together we will examine the many ways you feel separated. discouraged, unseen and unloved. We will examine how and why it happened and how to resolve the struggle that it is presently causing.


Part 2: Claim the Hidden Gifts in Your Shadow!

Part 2: Claim the Hidden Gifts in Your Shadow!

       Claim the Hidden Gifts in Your Shadow Part 2 … Know that you are not aloneAnd that this darkness has purpose;Gradually it will school your eyesTo find the one gift your life requiresHidden within this night-corner …For Courage (O'Donohue, 2008) Don’t rush the...

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Claim The Hidden Gifts In Your Shadow!

Claim The Hidden Gifts In Your Shadow!

     Claim the Hidden Gifts in Your Shadow Part 1 “Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he(she) never shows to anybody.” (Twain, 1897). Our shadows will not be denied! Try walking down a country road in the summertime without your shadow. Cross the road, it...

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Do You Cling to the Familiar?

Do You Cling to the Familiar?

Do You Cling to the Familiar? Dear Readers:I am passionate about sharing that which I know works… hopefully saving you some time and struggle! During my first eight years, I lived on an island, off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. I remember well the ferocity of...

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Secrets to Transforming Loneliness

Secrets to Transforming Loneliness

Secrets to Transforming Loneliness “I am too alone in the world, and yet not alone enough to makeevery moment holy” (Rilke & Deutsch, 1941) Unlikely segue. You may think this an unlikely segue after spending time on the Joys of Creativity and risking the richness...

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Desire a Richer Tapestry

Desire a Richer Tapestry

Desire a Richer Tapestry “In order to get, one has to have the energy to want.” (Hawkins,1995) Universal Desires: Inherent in all of us is a basic, universal and compelling drive to have a full life. We desire a sense of purpose, to have good health, to feel secure...

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Do You Live with Courage/Heart?

Do You Live with Courage/Heart?

   Do You Live with Courage/Heart?     “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” (Nin, 1969) The word courage is from the Latin root. ‘Cour’, which means ‘heart.’ To be courageous then means to live with heart. Living the way of the heart is to face...

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The Dark Side of Busyness

The Dark Side of Busyness

How Busyness Contributes to Avoidance! “There is more to life than increasing its speed” (Gandhi & Desai) The Forest as a metaphor for life If I use the forest as a metaphor for life, why then do many of us stay at the mouth of the forest: close and so busy that...

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Color Outside the Lines

Color Outside the Lines

Color Outside the Lines... Your creativity is a gift to the world and joy for you: Do you have inner freedom to express your creative gifts? If not, do you know why not?When we do not value all that we are, we do not value or allow our creativity to shine through. We...

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You Must Use Orange and Red

You Must Use Orange and Red

You Must Use Orange and Red Over the last few months, I have encouraged you to stop, breathe, and take time to create space that allows you to explore your depths for healing purposes. It is necessary to stop and contemplate to understand more readily how a multitude...

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What is Your Boredom Trying to Tell You?

What is Your Boredom Trying to Tell You?

   What is Your Boredom Trying to Tell You? That of which I will speak is not a fleeting mood that we all experience from time to time, neither is it depression ... yet! If not examined, reflected upon with determined intention to resolve, it can become complicated...

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Laura B. Young is a Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Women’s Coach, Author, and Instructor. She has been helping Women embrace their Feminine Power for more than 35 years.

You know there is more. Let’s find it together.

Laura B Young

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