Do You Live with Courage/Heart?

Do You Live with Courage/Heart?

   Do You Live with Courage/Heart?     “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” (Nin, 1969) The word courage is from the Latin root. ‘Cour’, which means ‘heart.’ To be courageous then means to live with heart. Living the way of the heart is to face...
The Dark Side of Busyness

The Dark Side of Busyness

How Busyness Contributes to Avoidance! “There is more to life than increasing its speed” (Gandhi & Desai) The Forest as a metaphor for life If I use the forest as a metaphor for life, why then do many of us stay at the mouth of the forest: close and so busy that...
Color Outside the Lines

Color Outside the Lines

Color Outside the Lines… Your creativity is a gift to the world and joy for you: Do you have inner freedom to express your creative gifts? If not, do you know why not?When we do not value all that we are, we do not value or allow our creativity to shine through....
You Must Use Orange and Red

You Must Use Orange and Red

You Must Use Orange and Red Over the last few months, I have encouraged you to stop, breathe, and take time to create space that allows you to explore your depths for healing purposes. It is necessary to stop and contemplate to understand more readily how a multitude...
The Rescuer Myth

The Rescuer Myth

The Rescuer Myth: Who or What are you waiting for? Have you been told, “do not worry your little head” or a similar response, implying that somebody else will take care of a problem? What else does it imply when it comes to your competence and confidence in the world?...

Laura B Young

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