Helping Women (Re)Claim their Feminine Power
What Does Your Busyness Really Mean?
“There is more to life than increasing its speed” (Gandhi & Desai, 1957) Life can be likened to a deep forest and on occasion we get lost in creating our path through it. If we are determined to find our way, it is necessary to face the fears and doubts that are...
Whose Beliefs Are You Believing?
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Rainer Maria Rilke In “The Road Less Travelled”, Scott Peck says the God of our youth is a second hand one. Just like family recipes, passed down and nobody questions the...
What do you Long For
You must do the things you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt Do you want to be 87 on your death bed saying I wish I had risked more back then - it would have made a difference in the quality of my life. Many times when we have a dream, a vision, we don’t know...
A Passion for Living
Passion is not a quality that some people are born with but not others. To be passionate is as natural as breathing, as being alive, the source of who you are. And Yet...when was the last time you let that part of you out to play. Watch a child play and you see...
Obstacles to Manifestation: Fear of Change
Since change is the only constant in our lives, why is it so frightening to choose to change? Often it is thrust upon us and we didn’t see it coming. It may come in a way that cuts us off at the knees, such as having life, as we know it obliterated, like a tornado or...
When You Must Leave
I am often amazed that a woman who has been beaten will not or cannot leave the batterer. Leaving would be the most instinctual and self protective thing to do. In my clinical practice I’ve heard women make excuses for the batterer and talk about the times when it...
What Price Have You Paid?
The mind is often merciless especially when it feels threatened by being alone and lonely. Have you ever tried to step out of a knowingly dysfunctional relationship to hear your ego chatter on about the reasons you should stay. At least I have somebody to go out to...
Is Your Mind Stressing You Out?
(Some tools to get beyond the struggle) An English poet John Milton said the mind can create for us our own personal heaven or hell. I know from personal and professional experience that we can use the mind as a terrible weapon against ourselves, or find in it a...
Manifestation—Understanding the Law
Why am I getting Muddied Results? We manifest in our lives whatever we give our attention and energy to or focus on, positive or negative. The Law is always working whether we are consciously directing it or not. The outcome of the Law is influenced by many factors...
For Women Only
How to get More of what You Really want in Intimate Relationships: As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I have had a front row seat, to observe the many ways women sabotage themselves when it comes to having more of what they want/need in intimate relationships....