
Helping Women (Re)Claim their Feminine Power



As I was pondering the power of Gratitude to open our hearts and how desperately we need our hearts open in love and inclusiveness… now more than ever…I came across this quote that says it all…"If the only prayer you say in your life is “thank you” that would...

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Course Update by Laura B. Young

An update on my Online Course that addresses the Hidden and Powerful Obstacles that keep Diets from working… It isn’t about the food.What then is it about? I am very grateful that some time back you completed my survey about your discouragement as it relates to weight...

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What is Your Food Story?

Recently I asked and am grateful that you responded with some of your “FoodStory” struggles. Your response has helped me tune into more of your needs as I continue preparing my Course for you on the hidden in Emotional Eating. You spoke of discouragement in dieting...

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Jessica’s Story of Getting Unstuck

Jessica’s Story of Getting Unstuck

Some time ago, I worked with a Woman named Jessica*.  Jessica found herself in a familiar pattern of stuckness. She told me, “I feel ready, I feel an inner push. I know what needs to be done and the time feels right.” Jessica felt excited and anxious as she chose the...

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A Powerful Start to Understand and Heal Emotional Eating

A Powerful Start to Understand and Heal Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating is not about food or physical hunger. It is about using food to avoid feeling bad or to feed a feeling that something is missing. I’m currently developing a course to help Women to break the cycle of emotional eating. Today, I stress the importance of...

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The Hidden Power of Journaling

Journaling can be a powerful ally for self-discovery and self-care; learn to incorporate this practice into your life.

You can access the transformative power of Journaling right now with these steps:

First, Stop the “Doing.”
Devote a Notebook/Journal for your experience.
Devote Time and Space.
Consider a Daily Practice.
Date each entry.
Write by hand.
Don’t get hung up on how to do the writing.
Most importantly, just write.

Why not start today? I ask you to devote 15 or 20 minutes a day to your inner self-care. Many women say they start to feel a change in themselves right away, sometimes it may be weeks. You will not, however, stay the same.

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Don’t go back to Sleep!

Driving along a country road I saw to my right a flock of sheep moving towards somewhere or something in a follow the leader fashion. It was a large enough flock moving in unison and fast enough to fascinate me. So I pulled over to watch. On either side of the line were openings that were large enough for escape but none seemed to notice.

The sheep were busy following each other and especially following the one directly in front. They were fitting in not looking left or right and moving as if hypnotized. The sheep were alive and moving with no curiosity about what was outside their line of vision or the possibility of escaping into a more interesting life.

So I wondered how much are we like the sheep?

We stay asleep if we don’t question the rules of living passed down to us by family of origin, schools, churches, work…

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Are Your Relationships Rinse and Repeat? Why is That?

Part 2:

Reflect on your Romantic Relationships and deep Friendships.  Is it time to release some of the players on your life stage? You know the ones that no longer fit your life story in terms of who you are or who you are becoming?

What is your Relationship Story? We all have one …a story that is if we look closely. What are the repetitive patterns?  Do you continue to attract certain types of people? You know the ones who seem so loving and attentive in the beginning but before long leave you feeling unloved and unimportant.  Are you thinking;  this person seemed so different, why then am I feeling the same? Different person, similar pattern, same story!

When the same kinds of struggles or issues keep popping up in our lives, it has meaning…

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Laura B Young

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