When we fall in love, feelings of aloneness are left behind and we merge together as if two pieces of a puzzle are moving securely into a place of belonging. The state of oneness or merging draws us out of our protective shells, and for most of us our fears of opening...
“Give sorrow words: The grief that does not speak whispers the oe’r fraught heart, and bids it break.” (Shakespeare, The Tragedie of Macbeth, 1892) Divorce is a major loss that does not get fully respected in our society. Some people find it harder to resolve...
Society surrounds us with pressures to become successful, and we are conditioned to expect results to come at lightning speed. Seduced by the promise of the quick fix, or a pill that guarantees easy weight loss, we act as though we can painlessly change destructive...
We all have an inner and an outer story, whether you are aware of it or not., It’s a powerful influence on the way we live our lives: whether it is mostly full and passionate or leaves us feeling that something important id missing. The story is generally formed...
“There is more to life than increasing its speed” (Gandhi & Desai, 1957) Life can be likened to a deep forest and on occasion we get lost in creating our path through it. If we are determined to find our way, it is necessary to face the fears and doubts that are...
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