Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Rainer Maria Rilke In “The Road Less Travelled”, Scott Peck says the God of our youth is a second hand one. Just like family recipes, passed down and nobody questions the...
You must do the things you think you cannot do. – Eleanor Roosevelt Do you want to be 87 on your death bed saying I wish I had risked more back then – it would have made a difference in the quality of my life. Many times when we have a dream, a vision, we...
Passion is not a quality that some people are born with but not others. To be passionate is as natural as breathing, as being alive, the source of who you are. And Yet…when was the last time you let that part of you out to play. Watch a child play and you see...
Since change is the only constant in our lives, why is it so frightening to choose to change? Often it is thrust upon us and we didn’t see it coming. It may come in a way that cuts us off at the knees, such as having life, as we know it obliterated, like a tornado or...
I am often amazed that a woman who has been beaten will not or cannot leave the batterer. Leaving would be the most instinctual and self protective thing to do. In my clinical practice I’ve heard women make excuses for the batterer and talk about the times when it...
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