Secrets to Transforming Loneliness “I am too alone in the world, and yet not alone enough to makeevery moment holy” (Rilke & Deutsch, 1941) Unlikely segue. You may think this an unlikely segue after spending time on the Joys of Creativity and risking the richness...
Desire a Richer Tapestry “In order to get, one has to have the energy to want.” (Hawkins,1995) Universal Desires: Inherent in all of us is a basic, universal and compelling drive to have a full life. We desire a sense of purpose, to have good health, to feel secure...
Do You Live with Courage/Heart? “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” (Nin, 1969) The word courage is from the Latin root. ‘Cour’, which means ‘heart.’ To be courageous then means to live with heart. Living the way of the heart is to face...
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